Friday, April 1, 2011

Alcohol/Drug Relapse

It will not come as news to you that the relapse rate among those addicted to alcohol and/or drugs is quite high. Of course, the same is true for a number of chronic conditions, including other mood/behavior problems. Alcohol/drug relapse can be more discouraging to new therapists (not to mention family members), because it is often marked by a dramatic change in the individual’s state, and it is easy to feel as if any progress has evaporated. When treating, say, depression, a setback is more likely to seem like an expectable and non-catastrophic event.

When I was collecting background material for my dissertation, back in the late 1970’s, Emrick’s relapse curve was commonly referred to. Statistics have become more sophisticated (sometimes to the point of not meaning much) since then, and thousands of studies done, but I have not found another picture of relapse that is as comprehensible or that matches my own clinical experience as well as Emrick’s curve. (Here is an approximation of that curve -- not precise.)

Please note that this representation of relapse (a) is based on individuals (mainly alcoholics) who have entered treatment programs, and may be way off when it comes to people in the community who somehow deal with drinking or drugging problems on their own, and (b) looks at relapse from a standpoint of continuous abstinence (in the AA tradition), which is only one way to measure it.

The headline is that, on average, only about 20% to 25% of alcoholics have sustained continuous sobriety for a year after initially stopping (which, in many studies, means leaving detox). And the vast majority of these relapses occur within the first 3 months.

But 100% sobriety is a high “bar” (perhaps not the ideal word here). It is also usually true, and much more encouraging, that about two thirds of such individuals show great improvement over the course of the year – e.g., they drink much less frequently and/or less heavily. Some small percentage probably achieves a lasting pattern of low-level use, but total sobriety is by far the most stable outcome.

Again, these statistics are fairly old and often challenged, but they match my own clinical experience. One dimension that makes for different conclusions from different researchers is the nature of the population we look at. College students and soldiers, for example, often meet diagnostic criteria for alcohol/drug dependence but evolve into non-problem users within a few years after they’ve left school or the service. My own contention is that those who seem to “recover” in this way differ biologically from those who exhibit a more lasting, chronic course of alcoholism/addiction.

The nature of the biological aspects of, especially, alcohol dependence is not fully understood and is certainly complicated – for example, there will be no one gene that accounts for all the possible features, and no two people have exactly the same combination of features. Nevertheless, and despite the fact that people continue to argue about it, there has been compelling evidence, dating back decades, that alcoholism (and probably other addiction) runs in families, and that this tendency is based more on biological heredity than on family culture or learning from parents’ behavior. Much of the early work was done by the late Donald W. Goodwin, whose name (sadly) I can barely find in a Google search. In those days when we were far from being able to examine genomes, researchers looked, for example, at identical twins (if one is alcoholic the other is much more likely to be alcoholic than, say, another sibling), as well as adoptees (whose drinking status more closely resembled their biological parents than their adoptive parents).

So, those whom we might assume are less biologically “wired” for alcoholism/addiction, and who might self-correct their behavior in their natural habitats, may not fit the relapse curve as closely as the people we see in treatment settings (who, in most cases, have failed in their own attempts to correct their drinking or drugging behavior).

One reason for the high relapse rate is that problem of motivation. Pretty much no one is 100% committed to abstinence – their Mr. Spock-like logical minds may see that is the most rational course, but their animal-like side (residing largely in the primitive parts of the brain that we share with our mammal brethren) wants to repeat behaviors that have felt rewarding in the past. In a detox setting, I have met patients with many different levels of motivation, from those who express great and powerful determination to those who would say, “Half of me wants sobriety and half of me wants to use,” to those who quite overtly plan to drink or drug shortly after being discharged (if not before). Compare this, say, to depression. Most people who are depressed want to stop being depressed (though a few would admit that depression is so central to their sense of self the notion of losing it produces anxiety). But addiction is not the only condition for which many sufferers desire no change – many people with bipolar disorder, for example, and many paranoid schizophrenics who believe that their perceptions are realistic, will also have little interest in the kinds of treatment and behavior changes that their loved ones and treatment providers might want for them.

Readers who have no history of alcohol/drug dependence, and who find it difficult to understand the “choice” to relapse, may be able to relate to this irrational tendency through the experience trying to lose weight (a struggle for so many of us). We want to lose weight, to look and feel better, to maintain a good mood during visits to a clothing store, etc. On the other hand…. that sausage pizza looks awfully good, so let’s forget about weight just for now. Here’s what I want: to be thin and to eat whatever I want, in whatever quantity I want. Unfortunately, reality doesn’t work that way, but it is by no means clear whether, and when, rational choice will win the day.

OK, so let’s say I really, really want to achieve and sustain abstinence from my substance. What makes a difference in the long run?

Type of Treatment? You’d think so, you hear so many claims. But, no. There is precious little evidence that one treatment approach works better than another, even when we attempt to make a careful match between patient and approach. In fact, the same people tend to have a better prognosis regardless of the type of treatment.

The Specific Treatment Provider? Well, yes, there is some evidence that the match, and the quality of the relationship, between patient and therapist make a difference (not only with addictions).

Amount of Treatment? Yes. Although the long-term rehabs (typically 28 days or more) never made a great case for their lasting effectiveness (hence, no longer covered by most insurance), plenty of studies indicate that those who attend more treatment (broadly defined to include self-help groups as well as professional treatment, and probably even abstinence-oriented yoga or meditation classes would count) tend to have better outcomes than those who do less. Most commonly, this means more 12-step meetings, since no other resource is even close to being as available every day.

Environment? Yes. Newly sober alcoholics who continue to spend significant time in the settings where they usually drank, or with fellow heavy drinkers, are more likely to relapse. Duh, you may say, but many individuals insist on returning to those situations, over-estimating their ability to exert mind over urge and conditioned responses. Some clinician-researchers have experimented with intentionally exposing addicts to their substances in treatment, as a means of reducing the power of such exposure in “real life.” The results are mixed. My own strong impression is that what works best is to avoid exposure to substances and to settings and people strongly associated with the addictive behavior, for something close to a year, and then, depending on how things are progressing, gradually return to settings that still seem desirable. (A music fan, for example, may really want to go back to the club or concert situation. There is no reason (and usually no great wish) to return to settings that offer little besides substance use, such as a no-frills bar or someone’s parties where everyone is always “wasted.”

The Individual’s Characteristics? Yes. This makes a lot of difference, though most of it may be beyond one’s control. If you are employed and living in a home as a family or couple (in both cases, making for a stable, somewhat structured environment), your chances of staying sober are greater. Not a surprise when you think about it. In addition, the less severe your addiction (less charitably, we might say, the less “far-gone” you are) and the less severely affected by mental health problems (such as depression, schizophrenia, or sociopathy), the better your odds of staying in recovery.

One piece of good news about relapse in alcoholism/addiction is that it’s never too late to try again. I have met countless alcoholics/addicts who relapsed many times for many years and who, somehow, at some point, go on the sobriety train and stayed there. I have often asked them what made this last effort more effective than all its predecessors, wishing that I could learn a secret to impart to others who continue to struggle. Unfortunately, beyond the odds-improving factors noted above, the answer remains elusive.